tigran amiryan
auto-photo-fiction studies
Autofiction as a genre emerged in France in 1970s, thanks to the writer and groundbreaking theorist Serge Doubrovsky. Today, the genre is studied by many contemporary authors in the US, France, Belgium, Germany etc. Numerous websites, magazine and colloquia are dedicated to this literary direction. Theory includes a large number of authors and literary works into autofiction (from "Confessions" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau to the novels by Colette and Marguerite Duras, from experimental prose by Serge Doubrovsky to short autobiographic novels by Amélie Nothomb). Autofiction providesnew opportunities to integrate autobiographic works in the area between the fiction and non-fiction, and pays special attention to the fact that in many cases "self-narrative prose" is not only an intersection between fiction and factology, but also a unique artistic form capable of representing national or political discourse, philosophical or psychoanalytical concepts etc.

L'article sur l'autofiction visuelle de Sergueï Paradjanov, dans le revue Textimage.

Sergueï Paradjanov : entre l'autovisualisation et l'autonarration-
Tigran Amiryan

Plusieurs stratégies de narrativisation de soi et de sa biographie sont au coeur de toutes les œuvres de Sergueï Paradjanov (1924-1990). Les chefs-d'œuvres cinématographiques de Paradjanov occupent une place considérable dans l'art arménien, ukrainien, géorgien, ainsi qu'iranien. Leur formule transculturelle est interprétable comme une des modalités de l'autobiographie en image ; cette forme de dissémination est cruciale dans le projet biographique de Paradjanov. L'auteur commence à concrétiser ses opinions politiques et poétologiques dans les Chevaux de feu (1965) et dans La Couleur de la grenade (1969), une autofiction allusive, qui montre métonymiquement une mosaïque culturelle, déterminante pour sa propre identité. Par ailleurs, au centre de plusieurs collages et assemblages, Paradjanov dispose un personnage constant, répétitif : l'auteur lui-même. Est également à étudier de près la Confession (1990), un texte auto-narratif, film inédit : il reste dans la bibliographie de Paradjanov comme un journal intime et la matrice d'un film imaginaire.

Texte intégral

Textimage - Revue d'étude du dialogue texte-image
Tigran Amiryan, « Sergueï Paradjanov : entre l'autovisualisation et l'autonarration », Textimage - Revue d'étude du dialogue texte-image [En ligne], Varia VI | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 octobre 2018.
First lecturer at Odesa Photo Days 2018
"Autofiction: Between Photography and Text" The term "autofiction" combines two contradictory concepts – autobiography (documentalism) and fiction (fudge). The concept arose in the late 1970's in France as an example of a violation the boundaries between real and fictional in autobiographical literature. However, autofiction spreads very quickly to other forms of self-reflection. The first and main experiment becomes a combination of a photographic image and a narrative, where photography is no longer an accompanying illustration, but takes on an equivalent significance during the narrative.

At the lecture, the curator and literary critic Tigran Amiryan will tell more about the synthesis of photography and text. Along with the theoretical presentations, the narrative experiments and autofiction by Hervé Guibert, Roland Barthes, Winfried Sebald etc. will be considered.

more info on the website ODESA PHOTO DAYS

Portfolio review in the framework of Festival

The lecture is supported by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF)

Portfolio review in the framework of Festival 28 / 04 / 2018
The lecture “Autofiction: Between Photography and Text" 26 / 04 / 2018

Guest talk on autofiction in literature and photography.
In the framework of 1-week intensive workshop with Gaja Karolczak and Victoria Myronyuk

Focus art NGO, Yerevan 25/06/2017
Autofiction & Feminist Discourse
The presentation considers various topics: how we narrativate ourselves and our bodies, our desires and passion. Writing about yourself as an experience of invention of feminist discourse.

failing the (b)order
State Silk Museum
Tbilisi _24 December

Moving the (b)order
Discussion with guest-speakers
Armenian Center For Contemporary Experimental Art
Moving the (b)order


литературная мастерская

07.03 - 23.03 2016
Лекторий "От автофикциональных экспериментов до графических романов" в рамках спецпроекта гуманитарной инициативы Bartleby & Company (Kiev) при поддержке куратория OK project.

Auto-fiction & Photo-fiction.
Нарративизация себя и визуализация истории у В.Г. Зебальда.

Kyiv, 17-18 March 2016
International Conference in Literary Studies "Poetics of Home/House"
Kyiv National Linguistic University

fact/fiction //
antidemocratic discourse
Heinrich Boll Foundation in Russia Summer School 2016


Само понятие фото-нарратива и применение изначально литературоцентричного понятия нарративности к визуальной культуре зачастую вызывает споры как на академическом уровне, так и в среде вовлеченных в процесс фотографирования авторов. Различные мультидисциплинарные исследования приходят к довольно радикальным вопросам относительно возможностей фотографического искусства. Фотография комментирует текст? Или текст выступает комментарием к фотографии? Может ли фотография вступать в повествовательный процесс, сохраняя свою автономность? Статусу фотографии посвящено огромное множество теоретических работ. Однако до сих пор мы можем наблюдать пограничные явления, где каждый раз ощущается дисбаланс и нестабильное со-отношение различных типов дискурса, со-отношение, сложно укладывающееся в рамки существующих методологий исследования.

Tigran Amiryan (Moscow) & Chaga Youzbashyan (Paris)
Movie presentation:
Chris Marker La Jetée (1962)

11/11 2015 - Mirzoyan Library

fact/fiction //
Public talk "fact/fiction // narrative borders"
Literary critic Tigran Amiryan's talk is devoted to the popular genre of autofiction. Dr. Amiryan discusses the distinctive features of the documentary and fictional, an autobiography and a novel. He also addresses the ways in which autofiction as a genre uses not only the language of literature but also a number of other visual art forms.

29/05 Mirzoyan Library

crime / fiction / reality
Balancing between the documentary and the fictional, detective literature has succeeded maintaining popularity for a century and a half now. How does a contemporary mass genre outline everyday reality? How does criminal literature transform in the context of post-modernist aesthetics? Is detective today a type of literature or a means of deploying "power discourse"? Does the contemporary reality manifest itself in detective narrative or language of law?
Tigran Amiryan, PhD, Literary Criticist, Moscow
Rafik Santrosyan, PhD Candidate, Lecturer at YSLU and AUA, Yerevan
Bookstore "HAY GIRQ" - YEREVAN - 16a, Isahakyan st.

book presentation
They Conspired...
Conspiracy Detective Fiction from Dan Brown to Julia Kristeva
Moscow: Publishing House "Falanster",
2013. – 352 p.

Тигран Амирян «Они написали заговор. Конспирологический детектив от Дэна Брауна до Юлии Кристевой»

Несколько тяжеловесное в качестве научпопа литературоведческое эссе, где всерьез — с привлечением Фуко и Делеза — исследуется неслучайно популярный жанр, который непосвященные путают с обычным детективом, а снобы игнорируют как заведомо трэшевый. Напрасно: идет война, война с большим нарративом — и репортаж с передовой можно написать хоть по «Коду да Винчи», хоть по «Одиночеству-12».

Цикл лекций
"От автофикциональных экспериментов до графического романа"

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